Excavator White Paper Toolkit

Data-Driven Outreach

CGA has created resources for members to promote and present the White Paper: Data-Informed Insights and Recommendations for More Effective Excavator Outreach. Materials include infographics, presentation materials, and more.

The White Paper combines a range of data sources, including the 2017 DIRT Report, 2018 public awareness research, an analysis of call-before-you-dig awareness overlaid with DIRT data, an online excavator survey and excavator focus groups, four key takeaways emerged that yielded data-supported recommendations for more effective excavator outreach.

CGA developed this resource to help your organization as you develop strategies, budgets, media plans and targeted messaging to increase the effectiveness of your outreach and for concrete partnerships with a critical stakeholder group in the damage prevention process – excavators.

While the White Paper is available to the public, additional resources are for CGA Members only. Please log in to access.

White Paper Resources


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