811 Videos, PSAs and Supporting Tools

Promoting Safe Digging Practices

The CGA has developed a series of educational videos and public service announcements (PSAs) to bring the safe digging message to life. Contained in this toolkit are videos and supporting documentation for educating farmers and ranchers, for kids with engaging accompanying activities, and general public safe digging messages. Additionally, CGA has developed PSA videos and scripts highlighting safe digging practices and the consequences of digging without calling.

If you are not a member, you will be asked to create a log in with the CGA website prior to download.

Educational Videos

811 Video for the Agriculture Community

The video includes a testimonial account of an agricultural dig-in and is available for download in both English and Spanish.

Pirate Video

The Common Ground Alliance (CGA) has created a pirate-themed video for children ages 8 to 11 years on the importance of calling before you dig. The video is 7 minutes long and teaches children the importance of damage prevention and its relevance to their everyday lives.

Safe Digging Toolbox

5 Steps to Safer Digging Toolbox

Red's 5 Steps to Safer Digging

Provides viewers with an overview of the 5 steps to safer digging. Targets the inexprienced digger or homeowner.

PSAs and Supporting Tools


Be a Good Neighbor PSA

An updated take on CGA's previous "Day in the Dark" concept, these PSAs highlight the consequences of failing to contact 811 before digging. 

Day in the Dark PSA

CGA created a Public Service Announcement (radio and tv) based on the "Day in the Dark" concept.

Don't Ignore PSA

The CGA created the following TV and radio PSA based on "don't ignore" concept. 

811 Radio PSA

Radio PSA available in English or Spanish (15, 30 and 60 second options).

Reference Videos


The CGA 811 logo(s) are protected by federal trademark and copyright protections, and the CGA has an obligation to protect the integrity of these marks. The graphic standards manual provides specific instructions on proper use of the logo. Keeping the logo consistent and within the standards is paramount to building a brand that will be identifiable and understandable to those who intend to dig.  While the CGA welcomes the use of the 811 logo(s) for publication and promotional purposes in furtherance of the mission of the CGA, the 811 logo(s) are made available solely under the conditions of the Terms of Use. Please review the “811 Logo Terms of Use” found on page 11 of this document prior to downloading and using the mark.

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