SURVEY: Share Your Thoughts on 811 Awareness Campaign Tools

For more than 20 years, CGA has been dedicated to increasing damage prevention awareness among professionals and the general public by providing a variety of outreach tools and resources to our members. Our industry is constantly evolving, and with it we must continue to update the way we communicate about 811 and safe digging to ensure that we are reaching the right audiences with a message that resonates.

Member input is invaluable when developing effective resources and messaging to help damage prevention stakeholders share critical 811 information. Please take this short survey to share how you reach your audiences with safe digging messages, the challenges you have in raising 811 awareness, and what tools CGA can provide to enhance your efforts.

With 8/11 Day right around the corner, it's crucial that we understand the most worthwhile and practical ways to share key information and raise awareness about safe digging. Please submit your 8/11 Day campaign on Engage to let other members know of your plans, and reference the 8/11 Day Toolkit for additional campaign ideas and resources.

Thank you in advance for your input and your dedication to sharing the 811 message with professionals and the public to help reduce damages to underground utilities!

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