CGA Needs Your Input for Future 811 Campaign Materials

CGA is committed to promoting the most effective ways to reach relevant audiences with meaningful messages about 811 and safe digging. We understand that damage prevention is an ever-evolving industry, and with so much at stake when it comes to protecting underground utilities, the importance of crafting a message that resonates with key audiences is critical.

Please take this short survey to provide your feedback about how you reach your audiences with safe digging messages and what tools CGA can offer to enhance your efforts. We greatly appreciate the feedback of our members to ensure that we provide effective resources that will help move the needle on damage prevention awareness!

8/11 Day (Aug. 11) is coming up in a few weeks, so we hope safe digging outreach is top-of-mind for your organization. CGA wants to know what you have lined up for the big day! Please submit your 8/11 Day events, activities and campaigns on Engage to share your plans with other members, and visit the 8/11 Day Toolkit for additional campaign ideas and resources, including social media message, infographics and more.

Thank you for your input and your continued dedication to sharing the 811 message!

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