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New Best Practices updates are here!

  • 13 April 2023
  • Author: Sarah Daley
  • Number of views: 978
New Best Practices updates are here!

Best Practices 19.0 Aligns With Changing Damage Prevention Landscape

CGA and the Best Practices Committee are pleased to share the latest version of the Best Practices Guide, the definitive resource for ensuring the safety of those who work or live near underground facilities. This new version, Best Practices 19.0, includes modifications to a number of existing practices as well as new definitions to align with the evolution of the damage prevention industry.

Over the last year, the Best Practices Committee has made several updates to reflect the most recent DIRT data, industry messaging updates, input from CGA’s 16 stakeholder groups and the ongoing work of the Next Practices Initiative. As damage prevention continues to change and advance with new approaches, innovative technologies and updated legislation, the Best Practices Committee will work to ensure that this valuable resource offers the most accurate and relevant damage prevention recommendations to keep communities safe and connected to critical services.

Changes to Best Practices 19.0 include modifications to 12 existing Best Practices to better align with the current trends in damage prevention and the ongoing efforts from CGA members to reduce damages. Newly modified practices include important processes such as white-lining, subsurface utility engineering (SUE), facility avoidance and digging within the tolerance zone. For a full list of what’s new in version 19.0, click here.

In addition to these modifications, a major change to Best Practices 19.0 is the updating of every reference of “one call center” to “811 center.” This shift in wording reiterates that the majority of ticket requests are made online, and highlights the importance of the entire 811 process beyond the initial notification. The change can be seen throughout the Best Practices Guide as well as CGA’s member resources and awareness materials. The Best Practices Guide 19.0 also includes a new definition for “811 center,” in addition to new definitions for “electronic white-lining” and “pothole.”

Best Practices version 19.0 can be viewed online at www.bestpractices.commongroundalliance.com. Physical copies of the Best Practices Guide will be available at the 2023 CGA Conference & Expo, April 17-21 in Orlando, Fla., where attendees will have the opportunity to discuss the latest practice updates with other damage prevention decision makers.

CGA would like to thank the Best Practices Committee for its efforts in making these important changes to the definitive guide for damage prevention. If you have a recommendation for a Best Practice addition or revision, submit your proposal here for consideration in the next version.

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