Technology Committee

Advancing Damage Prevention

When CGA started in 2001, the majority of locate requests were communicated to one call centers by phone. Today, many states process the majority of these requests via Internet request platforms, expediting the process for excavators and the locate technicians who mark the approximate location of buried facilities.

Technological breakthroughs haven’t stopped there. Whether it’s ticket management systems, locating equipment, excavating equipment or subsurface utility engineering, technology is at the forefront of all stakeholders’ desire to reduce utility damages and near misses.

The Technology Committee is charged with keeping a pulse on technology that affects the damage prevention industry and driving the industry to develop and utilize innovative technology that will decrease excavation damage. The committee also oversees the development of the annual report, “Technology Advancements and Gaps in Underground Safety.”

Technology Committee Co-Chairs:  

Nick Starke, UtiliQuest 
Jim Plasynski, KorTerra

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Technology Hub

The Technology Hub is focused on providing enhanced access to information describing damage prevention technologies. The microsite contains the latest Technology Report, case studies, and other information and will also give users the ability to search and filter by stakeholder, as well as key terms and phrases.

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Working Committee Participation

To effectively fulfill our vision of shared responsibility, the CGA seeks input and participation from the broadest possible representation of stakeholders.  Each of the working committees is comprised of members from the 16 active stakeholder groups within the CGA. These committee members operate on a consensus basis – ensuring that all CGA initiatives carry the support of the entire damage prevention community.  CGA committees meet in-person and virtually approximately 3-4 times per year.

Damage Prevention in Your State

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CGA Toolkits

CGA has created a suite of toolkits designed to help members generate public awareness about the importance of damage prevention.

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