• New 811 PSAs

    Brand new public service announcement videos & radio spots promoting homeowner 811 use

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Next Practices Case Study

Gopher State One Call’s GPS-Enabled Locator Program

PILOT: Leveraging Locating to Improve Facility Maps

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Best Practices Version 20.0

New Version of Best Practices Guide

Version 20 of the Best Practices Guide has been released

DIRT Special Report

Special Analysis on Locating

Uncovering Contributing Factors to Locating Practice Errors

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Conference & Expo

The CGA Conference & Expo is the premier event for damage prevention stakeholders to assemble to network, share knowledge and learn about the latest industry data and technology.

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CGA Best Practices

The Definitive Guide for Underground Safety and Damage Prevention

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DIRT Report

Damage Information Reporting Tool Report tracks underground damage and near-miss reports.

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Technology Report

The report features existing damage prevention technologies, gaps in damage prevention and industry case studies.

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Join Common Ground Alliance

The CGA provides today’s optimal forum where stakeholders can share information and perspectives and work together on all aspects of damage prevention issues. This allows the achievement of results that would otherwise be impossible. The CGA and our dedicated volunteers are working with industry stakeholders and regulators to produce stronger, more effective results through partnership, collaboration, and the pursuit of common goals in damage prevention.

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CGA Toolkits

CGA has created a suite of toolkits designed to help members generate public awareness about the importance of damage prevention.

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Our Top Tier Members

With unprecedented member support since our inception, the CGA has made great progress in elevating key safety and damage prevention initiatives throughout the United States and Canada.

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