Data Reporting & Evaluation

Leading in Data Collection

Data informs nearly every aspect of CGA’s operations and industry recommendations. From the formation and publication of its Best Practices manual to 811 public awareness efforts, CGA’s Data Evaluation and Reporting committee’s work touches every aspect of damage prevention. The program collects critical information, analyzing the numbers and producing targeted recommendations to damage prevention stakeholders about how to best protect buried facilities.

With the launch of the Damage Information Reporting Tool (DIRT, in late 2003, stakeholders have been able to submit underground damage and near-miss reports through a completely secure, private web application.

Using information submitted through the tool each year, CGA’s Data Reporting and Evaluation program publishes an annual report (the DIRT Report).  The committee oversees the development of the tool, directs the processes that govern the tool and manages the statistical evaluation/reporting of data on an annual basis.

Data Committee Co-Chairs:  

Louis Panzer, North Carolina 811
Andrea Stainback, Stake Center Locating

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Working Committee Participation

To effectively fulfill our vision of shared responsibility, the CGA seeks input and participation from the broadest possible representation of stakeholders.  Each of the working committees is comprised of members from the 16 active stakeholder groups within the CGA. These committee members operate on a consensus basis – ensuring that all CGA initiatives carry the support of the entire damage prevention community.  CGA committees meet in-person and virtually approximately 3-4 times per year.

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