Best Practices Committee

Guiding Damage Prevention

The origins of CGA are deeply rooted in the annual Best Practices Committee, which was born out of the original Common Ground Study, the U.S. Department of Transportation report that established the stakeholder engagement model CGA still uses today. Since CGA’s establishment in 2001 the Best Practices Committee’s signature publication, the CGA Best Practices Guide, has been regarded and utilized as the preeminent and trusted resource for underground damage prevention.

The CGA Best Practices are agreed on by consensus of all 16 CGA stakeholder groups and designed to improve worker safety, protect vital underground infrastructure and ensure public safety during excavation activities conducted in the vicinity of existing underground facilities. The process of introducing a new practice for consideration originates in the Best Practices Committee, with all approved proposals advancing to the CGA Board of Directors for consensus approval.

CGA releases a new edition of Best Practices every spring with updates that reflect changes in damage prevention, especially those caused by the always-evolving technologies that are at the core of progress in the industry. To access the most recent edition of CGA Best Practices, please click here.

Best Practices Committee Co-Chairs:  

Scott Brown, Washington Gas
Erich Metzger, Charge 

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Working Committee Participation

To effectively fulfill our vision of shared responsibility, the CGA seeks input and participation from the broadest possible representation of stakeholders.  Each of the working committees is comprised of members from the 16 active stakeholder groups within the CGA. These committee members operate on a consensus basis – ensuring that all CGA initiatives carry the support of the entire damage prevention community.  CGA committees meet in-person and virtually approximately 3-4 times per year.

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